No-fail-easy peasy-build-your-own-bowl-formula


BOWLS! You’ve probably heard of Buddha bowls, Power bowls or even Meal Prep bowls.
Whatever you call them, bowls can look like the perfect solution for making healthy eating simple, fast and easy!

When I’m searching for a yummy meal to help me make healthy eating simpler, bowls are one of my fav’s. They’re quick, super portable and are available with many options. Everyone seems to be offering their own version of them, so there’s no need to go far when I’m looking for an alternative to my usual drive-through spots.

Finally, it’s hard to beat all the convenience of a fast-food meal that’s “better-for-you”, right?
Um . . . maybe not.


Let’s take a closer look.

Firstly, it’s important to understand what else you’re getting in your bowl, along with the convenience.

Bowls are appealing because most places give you options to customize them. Great! BUT, you don’t always have a say about everything that goes into your bowl.

Hidden extras:

Sodium is a good example. Restaurant made bowls can contain large amounts of sodium - up to 75% (or more) of the recommended daily intake of 2300mg, depending on the toppings and extras you’ve included, and also where you get your bowl from.

And in case you think I’m only picking on bowls, keep in mind that about 80% of the sodium we consume comes from processed foods*.

Increased food costs. Bowls can also be costly, especially if you’re eating them regularly. Customization options will only go so far in adding your own personal spin and may make your meal even more expensive.

The boredom factor. This is a big one! Convenience is appealing, especially if we’re strapped for time, super hungry, or both. But opting for the quick fix can also put us in a rut, and ultimately limit the satisfaction we get from our meal.

It’s great to be able to quickly grab a bite, but regularly trading convenience for the tastes or flavours you’re actually craving can leave you feeling unsatisfied after the meal is done.

*Check out this resource from Heart& for more information on sodium and your health.


I’m in no way suggesting that you need to avoid fast food or processed foods. Far from it!

Take-out meals, eating in restaurants and enjoying a wide variety of all kinds of foods are all part of a well-rounded, healthy diet. In fact, I believe take-out and processed foods add immensely to the joy, connection and satisfaction we get from eating.

Joy, connection and satisfaction are all equally as important to our overall health as the nutritional profile of the foods we eat.

So, how do you enjoy bowls at home, without losing the convenience factor?

So glad you asked🙂 My home-made version, the KITCHEN CLEANOUT BOWL, is a great way to start making bowls for yourself right now, probably without stepping out of your kitchen to buy more ingredients.

Kitchen Cleanout Bowls check all the boxes: deliciousness, satisfaction, simplicity, flexibility and eating what feels good in your body! All while using food you’ve probably already got on hand.

Making a Kitchen Cleanout Bowl is one of my favourite ways to make healthy eating simple, while using up the leftover or overlooked bits in my kitchen - aka cutting food waste and saving $.

They’re a fantastic option when I’m in a hurry and I don’t feel like cooking or ordering takeout.

Why we love Cleanout Bowls in the B’hive:

  • save $ and cut food waste by using up leftovers

  • no set recipe, so they’re completely flexible

  • quick to prepare, and no cook is always an option

  • customizable with what you have on hand

  • suits all tastes: everyone can build their own with the ingredients they like

  • easy to combine home-made with store bought/ready made ingredients

  • packable and portable to enjoy another day or in another location

  • makes using up leftovers more satisfying and interesting

  • EASY & FAST!!!

The other great thing about Kitchen Cleanout Bowls is that they’re the ultimate DIY cooking project. (Psst! This means you’re not doing all the cooking 🙂)

Involving everyone in the process is as easy as placing the ingredients on the counter alongside some empty bowls and taking a step back while everyone creates their own masterpiece.


If you’re looking for tips on how to avoid feeling rushed, hangry and overwhelmed when it comes to getting a meal together, click here to download my free guide 5 Simple Steps to Healthy Eating.

Ready to bowl, but not sure where to start?
Use this simple framework to build the custom kitchen cleanout bowl of your dreams!


The “best” ingredients to choose are the ones that you already have on hand. Start by looking in your fridge (all the way to the back!) and see what’s already prep’d or needs to be used up ASAP.

  1. Choose your base ingredients - any whole grains, pastas or grain free options will work, depending on your tastes, preferences and dietary needs. The complex carbohydrates found in whole grains will help with overall satisfaction and feeling of fullness and also support your mood and brain health.

  2. Next, load in some veggies. Use as many types and colours as you’d like. Raw or cooked, fresh or frozen, or any combination of all. Remember, the point is to clear out your fridge, so don’t forget those bits hiding in the back corner. Vegetables are an important source of antioxidants and help to fight inflammation in the body, helping your body stay mobile and flexible as you move through your day.

  3. Add in some protein, either animal or plant based. Protein is an important ingredient for keeping you full and satisfied and helps to keep your blood sugar balanced. It’s a key ingredient to build and maintain tissues, including muscle and bone.

  4. Boost the flavour and satisfaction-factor. Think about what tastes or textures you’re craving. Dressings or sauces like salsa, tamari, chili oil or hot sauce to add sweetness, heat or flavour. Or adding in some crunch with nuts or seeds.

  5. Don’t forget the sides! Having a selection of pickles, olives, crackers or pitas to nibble alongside your bowl and scoop up the bits in the bottom is the icing on the bowl cake, IMHO!

Don’t worry if you don’t have ingredients from every category! This isn’t the only meal you’ll be eating today, and you’ll have the opportunity to round things out either at another time in the day, or even later this week.


Last but not least: you don’t need to make it all from scratch! A deli-chicken, ready made dressings or pre-chopped veggies can make bowl prep even quicker and easier.

Looking for more tips to make healthy eating easier? Download my free guide, 5 Simple Steps to Healthy Eating here.


Did you build-a-bowl? Tag me and let me know!

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